
Stuffed artichoke hearts and peas into stew

A delicious Algerian dish, a recipe that smell good vegetables. stuffed artichoke hearts, peas and mushrooms. This dish is made with two meats: lamb, beef and chopped beef but you can achieve with 100% 100% beef or lamb, it will always be very good.
You tell me but it did not make a summer?? yes, yes it's frozen vegetables and they do just fine. I grant you there is no better than the cool but good when you have cravings for good stew like that and well Frozen is an excellent alternative, but not canned vegetables, between us, it's really not terrible ...!!

-300g of minced beef
-300g of lamb or beef (you can do without if you want less meat)
-artichoke hearts
-1 C s a vegetable oil
-1 Large onion, finely chopped
-300g of peas
-100 G mushrooms
-Salt and pepper
-1 Tsp cinnamon
-1 Tsp ginger
-1 / 4 tsp cumin
-1 / 2 tsp ground coriander
-1 Clove garlic, finely chopped
-1 Tablespoon of flour
-saffron powder
finely-chopped parsley
-1 Tablespoon sugar

          coeurs d'artichauts farcis, petit pois en ragout

-Saute onion and meat in oil a few minutes, add half the spices and saffron, salt and pepper.
-Cover with water, close and cook
-Meanwhile prepare the filling: meat, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, ground coriander and cinnamon and flour.
-stuffed artichoke hearts: Wet hands in shaping the meatballs so that it is holding up well.
to put the meat is cooked, open the file and stuffed artichoke hearts, peas and mushrooms, add a spoon of sugar. Adjust seasoning if necessary and simmer it until done. finish cooking uncovered until reduced to sauce

         ragout d'agneau, artichaut farcis, petit pois


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