
Tagine of veal with spring vegetables

hello! Here are a tagine of veal with spring vegetables, a Moroccan tagine, a simple and delicious recipe. You tell me but it did not make a summer? and many frozen foods are just fine and I can assure you that they keep their great nutritional value, many studies show they are also rich in vitamins and nutrients than fresh produce.
You can serve with couscous or bulgur, a treat! ....


-1kg veal (breast and shoulder)
-1 Large onion, finely chopped
-2 Cloves garlic, chopped
-100g of shelled peas
-2 tomatoes
-2 zucchini
-100g of shelled beans
-1 Bunch of cilantro
-3 Tablespoons olive oil
-1 Teaspoon pepper
-1 Lemon confit
-50g pitted green olives
-1 Dose of saffron


-Sauté garlic and chopped onion in a little olive oil with the chopped meat until it is golden brown. Add one liter of water.
-Add salt and pepper, add a dose of saffron and cook over medium heat, covered, for 45 minutes.
-Cut the zucchini into slices and peel the tomatoes and diced.
-Add the zucchini, beans, peas, tomatoes, candied lemon and olives cut. Adjust seasoning and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
-Just before putting out the fire drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with chopped cilantro


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