
Tagine of veal with spring vegetables

hello! Here are a tagine of veal with spring vegetables, a Moroccan tagine, a simple and delicious recipe. You tell me but it did not make a summer? and many frozen foods are just fine and I can assure you that they keep their great nutritional value, many studies show they are also rich in vitamins and nutrients than fresh produce.
You can serve with couscous or bulgur, a treat! ....


-1kg veal (breast and shoulder)
-1 Large onion, finely chopped
-2 Cloves garlic, chopped
-100g of shelled peas
-2 tomatoes
-2 zucchini
-100g of shelled beans
-1 Bunch of cilantro
-3 Tablespoons olive oil
-1 Teaspoon pepper
-1 Lemon confit
-50g pitted green olives
-1 Dose of saffron


-Sauté garlic and chopped onion in a little olive oil with the chopped meat until it is golden brown. Add one liter of water.
-Add salt and pepper, add a dose of saffron and cook over medium heat, covered, for 45 minutes.
-Cut the zucchini into slices and peel the tomatoes and diced.
-Add the zucchini, beans, peas, tomatoes, candied lemon and olives cut. Adjust seasoning and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
-Just before putting out the fire drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with chopped cilantro

Lamb tagine with dried fruit, Lham lahlou

Lham lahlou (لحم لحلو, طاجين لحلو) one of the jewels of the Algerian cuisine, a festive dish mythical (weddings, engagements ...), also prepared during the month of Ramadan, or even the reception of guests especially when wants them to honor

This is a dish that all Algerians love, and it's worth it, a mixture of sweet, salty, mellow and crisp, and a subtle scent of orange blossom and cinnamon. A true gastronomic journey.

Personal Touch
      I add vanilla that blends well with orange blossom and cinnamon.
I do not put much sugar good for keeping the flavor of dried fruit
-at the base there as almonds, I added other fruit dry, it adds more flavor, and the different mix of dried fruit is delicious.
-assay of the orange blossom is important, it is there to flavor the dish and not to drown
-500 Kg of lamb or mutton (I price collar)
-2 Onions, chopped
-1 Tablespoon of smen
-250 G of dried prunes
-250 G of dried apricots
-2 Fighting cinnamon
-1 / 2 tsp ground cinnamon
-dye or pure saffron saffron
-Salt and pepper
-2 Tsp vanilla extract (optional)
-6 Tbsp sugar mold (you can substitute sugar with honey)
-8 Tbsp orange blossom
-a few blanched almonds
-some pistachios (optional)
-some nuts (optional)
some nuts (optional)

-fry the onion in a cocotte with smen, add meat, turning from time to time, add the spices, salt and pepper, cover with water up to the meat and cook, the cooking time will depend on your meat
-parallel, cooked prunes and apricots steamed couscous in the same but separate
-once the meat cooked, remove and reserve well to lime
-get the sauce and filtered with a sieve
share-the sauce obtained in two pans
-put in the prunes and apricots in one another
I said for prunes and we must do the same for apricots
-then put the pan over a medium heat sauce with prunes, add tablespoon of sugar, tablespoon of orange blossom, teaspoon of vanilla extract, a pinch of cinnamon, toss with a wooden spoon and cook until reduced and caramelized
-fry the almonds with a little oil
-the other dried fruit and toast in the oven a few minutes, especially hazelnuts for removing the skin
-prepare the dish with meat in the center, in turn dry fruits

Sheep's head with cumin

sheep's head with cumin, called chtitha bouzelouf (بوزلوف بالكمون) is the dish of Eid al Kebir, a classic of Algerian cuisine, makes a tasty and popular.


-1 Sheep's head well cleaned (flame burn, scrape and wash well)
-2 Glass of chickpeas, soaked overnight
-2 Sliced ​​onions
-2 Bay leaves
-salt, pepper, cumin.

-there are two ways to:

* either cook the pieces of the head to the steam
* Either by water in a cocote
this step is different, everything else it's the same
I've cooked in cocotte
-put the pieces of the head in a cocotte with 1.5 liters of water, and cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until meat falls off the bone, remove and reserve the cooking water
-at the same time put the chickpeas to cook in salted water


-Once cooked remove the meat bones, cartilage and all that you do not want in the head, and cut into pieces
in a cocotte-fry the onions in a little smen or oil, add the chickpeas, cover with a little cooking water as you kept aside.
-seasoning salt, pepper, cumin, cook for 10 to 15 minutes
-add the meat, bay leaves, add a little cooking water and adjust the seasoning if necessary
-simmer until sauce is reduced and becomes creamy
-Serve with lemon wedges

cuisine algerienne

Liver Lamb chermoula

A traditional recipe from the Algerian cuisine, called kebda mchermla prepared with sheep liver or lamb, fresh tomatoes, garlic, cumin and herbs which will blend the dish


-lamb liver, lamb or mutton, diced
-2 Fresh tomatoes cut into small dice
-2 Cloves garlic, chopped
-1 Tsp cumin
-Salt and pepper
-1 Dash of olive oil
-a little chopped parsley and cilantro
-1 Tablespoon of tomato sauce
-1 To water

foie à la sauce tomate 01

-Heat a pan with a little oil, add tomatoes and garlic and saute
-add the diced liver, and brown
-salt, pepper, cumin
-add the tomato sauce diluted in water to
-and simmer
-when cooked add parsley and chopped coriander
-Serve immediately

foie à la chermoula

Couscous with chicken

This is a good Algerian couscous, couscous is traditionally done this with chicken and sauce with chickpeas but feel free to add other varieties of vegetables. For more fun I put the chicken a few minutes under the broiler. this is too good, it tastes of chicken lightly grilled with a fragrant couscous good and tender and the chickpeas, hmmm delicious. The recipe is simple, he's made ​​are not many ingredients that compose it, go for a good zooooooooo and delicious couscous


-1 Kg of rolled couscous
-1 Chicken, I used drumsticks
-1 onion
-2 tomatoes
-a handful of soaked chickpeas, see recipe here
-1 / 2 ladle of oil

-2 Tbsp smen, ghee recipe here
-black pepper
-1 Cinnamon stick
-1 Packet dye
-1 / 2 tsp ground cinnamon
-1 Tsp ras el hanout
-1 / 2 tsp ginger
-100 G butter



-Arrange chicken in a pot of couscous.
-Add the oil, a tablespoon of butter, onion, sliced​​, diced tomatoes, pepper, cinnamon stick and powder, ras el hanout, ginger, sachet of dye diluted in a little water and salt
-Fry a few minutes on low heat
cover with 1 liter of water and boil
-Dip the chickpeas in broth
-For the couscous will cook at the same time and over the sauce, do write here
-Check from time to time the broth and the chicken is cooking, dice the latter is cooked remove
-Serve the couscous on a platter, drizzle with sauce, chickpeas and chicken over
-Serve with milk, the RAIB (curd) or Lben (fermented milk)

couscous algerien

Couscous royal

coucous aux troix viandes

Traditionally, couscous is prepared with only one type of meat, because the broth and couscous to steam cooked to imbibe its aroma. We can thus enjoy couscous with lamb, fish, chicken ... But it is not uncommon to find, especially in restaurants, where couscous with red meat, sausages and white mix. Couscous Royal usually has more meat: chicken, merguez, lamb, meatballs ....
It is a specialty in France, this dish is part of the favorite dishes of French and understandably, it's delicious, fragrant, balanced, short it has it all

cousous algerien

-500 G of couscous
-1 Kg of lamb (I took the leg)
-6 Chicken drumsticks (season with salt, pepper, paprika, ginger, parsley)
-6 merguez
-2 onions
-4 tomatoes
-4 carrots
-3 turnips
-3 zucchini
-2 Stalks of celery without leaves
-2 Wrists chickpea
-2 Tablespoons of tomato paste
-1 Tsp ginger
-1 Tsp turmeric
-1 Tsp paprika
-1 Tbsp ras el hanout
-Salt and pepper
-olive oil

préparation couscous

prepare the seed-cuckoos, recipe here
-of the steamer in the pot, brown the lamb pieces with a drizzle of olive oil, add onions and brown mixed for 10 minutes, turning the meat. Add turmeric, ginger, ras el hanout, salt and pepper and mix well
add tomatoes, peeled, seeded and mixed with tomato paste, the chickpeas and cook for 40 to 50 minutes
-Peel the carrots and cut in lengthwise and turnip into quarters and add to pot with the celery stalks and cook for 20 minutes
-add the zucchini and cook for 20 minutes
* during that time:
-season the chicken drumstick: salt, pepper, ginger, paprika, chopped parsley, a little olive oil and cook on the griddle, or in the oven
-cook the sausages in a skillet or grill
* Note that during this time the seeds are prepared couscous, and the last leg of his cooking, is shod with the steam from the broth is prepared, recipe with all the steps in photos here
-prepare the couscous and buttered or prepared to work olive oil (I prefer the latter) in a dish, place meat and vegetables and sprinkle with a little sauce
-serve sauce in a bowl nearby for those who prefer more water

couscous royal

Couscous balls kefta

Couscous (كسكس) is a dish warm and friendly and above all a complete meal with meat, vegetables and meal. Couscous today is very tasty and light dumplings made ​​kefta (كفتة) well flavored and tender ....

-400 G of couscous
for pellets kefta
-500 G of ground beef
-2 Tablespoons of flour
-2 Tablespoons of parsley
-1 Tablespoon of cumin
-1 Tablespoon of paprika
-3 Tbsp olive oil
-Salt and pepper
For the sauce:
-2 onions
-3 tomatoes
-3 carrots
-2 zucchini
-1 Tsp turmeric
-1 Tsp ginger
-1 Tablespoon of tomato paste
-1 Wrist chickpea
-salt, pepper ...

           couscous aux boulettes de kefta à la viande hachée

* prepare the couscous grains as shown in the tutorial preparation of couscous
* prepare the meatballs kefta
-In a bowl, combine ground meat, flour, parsley, spices, salt, pepper and olive oil
-form pellets and book
* prepare the sauce
-fry sliced ​​onions in a little olive oil, add tomatoes peeled and seeded and diced.
add carrots, peeled and cut into strips, chickpeas, spices, tomato paste diluted in some water
-cover with water and cook 20 to 25 minutes
-add the zucchini and cook for 20 minutes
Meanwhile, cook the meatballs in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil, let brown a few minutes, turning occasionally kefta
-pour 2 ladles of sauce to vegetables and simmer for 10 minutes or until cooked meatballs
-prepare your couscous on a plate with vegetables and dumplings kefta top and drizzle with sauce

un délicieux couscous aux boulettes de kefta

You can also find the recipe for royal couscous and couscous with chard
Good achievement and good tasting

Stew beef with beans two

This is a delicious beef stew with beans (marka loubia khadra, مرقة لوبيا خضراء). The two beans because I used green beans and butter beans with a treat! meat with a good melting and a creamy sauce, a dish tasty enough to warm our winter nights.
         ragout de boeuf aux haricots

-500 G of beef casserole
-700 G of beans, mixed green and butter
-2 onions
-1 Clove garlic
-1 Good tablespoon of flour
-2 Tbsp olive oil
-2 Tbsp oil routine is neutral ground
-1 Tsp paprika
-1 Tsp turmeric
-1 / 2 tsp ginger
-Salt and pepper


-Heat oil in a cocotte, and saute the meat into pieces with a whole peeled garlic clove
-dust with flour. Continue to turn the meat
-remove the meat and the garlic
-fry the finely chopped onions in the drippings
-when it becomes translucent, put the meat, sprinkle with spices, salt and pepper
-cover with water, close and cook
-set cooking meat (after 3/4 hour or so ready), add the beans.
-check for doneness after 20 to 30 minutes, it depends how you like them.

         ragout haricot vert et haricot au beurre

Stuffed artichoke hearts and peas into stew

A delicious Algerian dish, a recipe that smell good vegetables. stuffed artichoke hearts, peas and mushrooms. This dish is made with two meats: lamb, beef and chopped beef but you can achieve with 100% 100% beef or lamb, it will always be very good.
You tell me but it did not make a summer?? yes, yes it's frozen vegetables and they do just fine. I grant you there is no better than the cool but good when you have cravings for good stew like that and well Frozen is an excellent alternative, but not canned vegetables, between us, it's really not terrible ...!!

-300g of minced beef
-300g of lamb or beef (you can do without if you want less meat)
-artichoke hearts
-1 C s a vegetable oil
-1 Large onion, finely chopped
-300g of peas
-100 G mushrooms
-Salt and pepper
-1 Tsp cinnamon
-1 Tsp ginger
-1 / 4 tsp cumin
-1 / 2 tsp ground coriander
-1 Clove garlic, finely chopped
-1 Tablespoon of flour
-saffron powder
finely-chopped parsley
-1 Tablespoon sugar

          coeurs d'artichauts farcis, petit pois en ragout

-Saute onion and meat in oil a few minutes, add half the spices and saffron, salt and pepper.
-Cover with water, close and cook
-Meanwhile prepare the filling: meat, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, ground coriander and cinnamon and flour.
-stuffed artichoke hearts: Wet hands in shaping the meatballs so that it is holding up well.
to put the meat is cooked, open the file and stuffed artichoke hearts, peas and mushrooms, add a spoon of sugar. Adjust seasoning if necessary and simmer it until done. finish cooking uncovered until reduced to sauce

         ragout d'agneau, artichaut farcis, petit pois

Stew with lamb, peas and eggs

Another recipe from the culinary heritage Algerian stew with lamb, peas and eggs, flavored with cinnamon, (marka jelban beautiful bayd ), a simple recipe but very tasty, the combination of cinnamon and peas is a treat for the tastebuds.
ragout agneau, petits pois, oeufs

-500 G of lamb
-1 White onion, minced
-500 G of fresh or frozen peas
-5 eggs
-1 / 4 tsp cinnamon
-1 Cinnamon stick
-1 Tablespoon sugar
-Salt and pepper
-a little oil

         recette algerienne aux petits pois

-in your cocote, put the oil and fry the onion.
-add the meat
-add the sugar, cinnamon powder and stick, saffron, salt and pepper
-cover with water, close the cocotte and cook 40 to 45 minutes
-open the cocotte and add the peas and cook for 20 to 25 minutes or until done to them
-remove the meat and reserve
-reduce the sauce if it remains too
-once the reduced sauce, break the eggs on peas
-cover and cook a few minutes
-Once cooked remove the eggs
-in a serving dish, arrange the peas, meat and eggs
Ps: I recommend adding a spoon of sugar brings out the flavor of peas,

     tajine jelbana  

Tagine of chickpeas and zucchini

A delicious tagine of Moroccan cuisine. A vegetarian dish and cheap, very tasty, simple recipe that will get the fans to enjoy zucchini. The dish is lifted with the Niora.

The Niora (Capsicum annuum) is an annual plant, which is a spice that belongs to the botanical family Solanaceae. She is originally from South America. The fruit is the basis of a condiment powder used as food coloring in the kitchen Moroccan popular. This is the paprika.
tajine de pois chiches et courgettes

-500 G of chickpeas
-700 G courgettes
-6 Cloves garlic
-1 peppers
-1 Bunch cilantro
-1 / 2 tsp harissa
-1 Tsp crushed Niora
-30 Cl of olive oil
-1 Tablespoon of baking soda
tajine marocain


-the day before, put the chick peas in a large bowl, add baking soda and cover with water. Let them soak overnight.

-the next day, rinse the chickpeas under cold water
-peel garlic leaving the cloves whole. Equeutez and seed peppers, then cut into quarters lengthwise.
-Wash zucchini and remove it in the ends, then cut them into slices.
-use a tagine or a pressure cooker
-put the chickpeas. Pour olive oil, add pepper, garlic, harissa, the Niora and chopped coriander. Add salt, then cover with water and cover
-bring to the boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
-Find and add the zucchini. Cook about 15 minutes. Let it evaporate if applicable.
-serve hot

tajine végétarien

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